["A0S02011": "Mounting perils", "A2S27031": "Treblinka is created", "A3S01111": "Deportations", "A3S01121": "Extermination camps", "A3S01141": "Information on Treblinka gassings", "A3S02121": "In search of truth", "A3S10011": "Ghetto re-organized into blocks", "A4S08011": "Poster war", "A5S03121": "Többens moves his workshops to Poniatowa", "A5S06011": "Consequences of the Ghetto uprising", "A5S07031": "A Hondurean passport", "A6S01011": "A concentration camp in Warsaw", "A6S03011": "Poniatowa Camp is liquidated", "A6S03021": "Katzenelson in Drancy", "A6S03031": "Katzenelson deported to Auschwitz", "A6S04011": "Death march: 29 July 1944", "EP33": "Heinrich Himmler", "EP23": "Noemi Judkowski", "EP43": "Alexander and Margalit Landau", "EP56": "Walter Caspar Többens", "EO04": "Refugees", "EO13": "Armbands", "EO37": "The SS", "EO50": "The wall", "Cb11": "Poniatowa Camp", "Cc2": "Vittel and Drancy", "Cd1": "The six death camps"]